About Us
About Our Story
We would like to introduce ourselves as an Insurance Broking House licensed by IRDA for general insurance. We have obtained the license on 29th May 2003 and operating since then in Coimbatore and we are the only licensed broking house having its Head Office at Coimbatore. Our association with the insurance industry is for the past 50 years.
Our corporate clientele base is extended to all over Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Orissa. We are also servicing the medium and small scale industries and as well as personal line of insurances viz, Mediclaim, Overseas Mediclaim, House Holders, Fire, Burglary, Theft and Motor Vehicles etc and All types of insurance for industries.
We are handling almost all the major corporates in coimbatore and the premium collected is placed with Public Sector and Private Sector Insurance Companies. We are maintaining an excellent rapport / contact with all the insurance companies in the country.
This company has been floated to cater to the various needs of the clients like you in the changed scenario in the insurance market which took effect from the year 1999 to fall in line with the WTO guidelines.
Our Pillars
Sri.S. Ramabhadran
Executive Director – Technical
An Asst. General Manager retired from a public sector insurance company who has got varied experience in general insurance technical matters and a well qualified person academically and technically. He was incharge of Technical Department in Head Office of a Public Sector Insurance Co. at the time of retirement at Chennai. Now settled at Coimbatore assisting the company during major claims.
Our Valuable Team
- We have very good strength of senior executives who has serving general insurance companies in managerial positions.
- We have also trained youngsters capable of handling underwriting and claims.